Explaining Skill

Explaining Skill

Explaining Skills
In regard to teaching and learning activities or training, explaining is to organize course materials in the sort order is systematically planned, so easily understood by students. Skills are very important for teachers to explain because most of the conversations teachers have an influence on students' understanding is a form of explanation. Explain the demonstrated mastery of the skills teachers will allow students to have a solid understanding of the problems described, and the increased involvement of students in learning activities.
The aim of explaining activities:
1. Guide students to understand concepts, laws, principles, or procedures.
2. Guiding students to answer the question "why" is reasonable.
3. Involving students appreciate the various processes of reasoning.
4. Getting feedback about student understanding.
5. Help students appreciate the various processes of reasoning.

Explaining Skills consists of two components as follows:
1.      Planning
There are two things that need to be considered in planning the explanation is:
a.      The contents of the messages to be delivered
Related to the contents of the message (standard material):
• Determine the outline of the material that will be explained
• Develop an outline of the material systematically with easily understood language learners
• Prepare visual aids to give examples (illustrations) are in accordance with the outline of the material that will be explained.
b.      students
Giving an explanation to be considered who will accept the explanation, how his ability, and basic knowledge of what already has. When planning the explanation must have imagined the recipient of the message, because the explanation is closely related to age, gender, ability, social background, and learning environment.
2. Presentation
These components include the:
a. Clarity, which is a skill that is closely related to the use of oral language. submit an explanation with a clear language, good to hear, not too hard and not too slowly but can be heard by all students, to speak fluently, avoid words that do not need, such as "eu", "mm", "yes yes yes ",defines the technical terms, and paused to look at students' responses.
b. If there are specific terms or new, give a precise definition.
c. Use examples and illustrations, which can be done with the pattern of inductive or deductive. Two patterns has a high effectiveness in connecting examples and arguments. Inductive pattern is given an example first and then drawn general conclusions or propositions (formulas). Deductive pattern that is the law, formula or generalization put forward first, and then provided detailed examples to clarify the law, formula or generalization that has been put forward. The pattern that is used depends on learning materials, ability, age, and background on the learning ability of these learners.

In this example the use of evidence and proof, there are special words used as words liaison and special phrases. To associate the main idea and is less important to use the words: if ... then, even so, so, meanwhile, is in on it, too, because, because, and so forth. To connect the ideas of equal importance, used such words in the meantime, in the meantime, well, then, only, therefore, so, or the consequences. With these terms, teachers not only clarify the presentation, but at the same time emphasizing the relationship or the relationship.

d. Giving pressure that can be done with a variety of teaching styles, and create the structure that is presented to provide information that gives direction or the main purpose of serving. This can be done by:
• Provide an overview and repetition
• Describe or tell others about the answers with the sentences given learners.
• Provide signs or verbal cues such as first, second, and so forth.
e. Feedback, which aims to get information about student comprehension levels, either through questions or task.

At the time of giving explanations, teachers should pay attention to the movements and mimic the learner, whether the explanation given to understand or doubt, fun or boring, and whether or not attract attention. For these purposes, consider them for an explanation, ask questions and give an opportunity to ask questions.
Based on such feedback, teachers need to adjust the presentation of learning. Foe example reduce the speed of speech, adding an example or illustration, make variations with other techniques to enhance learning effectiveness.

The principle that must be considered in providing an explanation
b. The explanation can be given at the beginning, middle, or end of lessons to suit your need.
c. The explanation must attract the attention of learners and in accordance with standard materials and basic competence.
d. The explanation can be given to answer questions or explain the students the standard material that has been planned to establish basic competencies and learning objectives.
e. The material described shall be in accordance with the basic competencies and meaningful for students.
f. The explanation provided must be in accordance with the background and skill level of students.

Here are some examples of submission of an explanation:
1. teachers should explain how this formula is obtained. If students understand this process, they do not need to memorize formulas by rote. They even can create their own formulas whenever they need it. This is what is meant by "understanding".
2. when a student made a mistake in the presentation, we should point out the mistake and explain why it was wrong in front of all students. This is the most effective way to repair some common misconceptions students have.
3. teachers provide additional oral explanation to the students prior to students working on worksheets that have been prepared by teachers with some written instructions therein.

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